SAMIA COMBUSTION was founded in 2006 as a spin-off of Samia, a well-known Company involved in design and manufacture of process burners for Oil&Gas since more than 50 years. SAMIA COMBUSTION is the sole company entitled to produce and sell burners and original spare parts with trademark and know-how Samia.
In 2012 CEBA became the only owner of SAMIA COMBUSTION and the cooperation between the two companies, based on the union of the professional skills and of their own experiences in the combustion field, led to an improvement of the existing products and to the development of new solutions in compliance with the latest requirements in terms of technology and environmental impact.
In 2018 SAMIA COMBUSTION has been merged by incorporation in CEBA which takes over every business relationship and continue the development of Oil&gas business unit, improving the existing products and expanding the offered range of products.